Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Winter always brings new lambs.  I had decided to give away the Ewes to get rid of the hoof rot.  I soon realized they were all pregnant.  So I decided to wait until the lambs were born.  We needed to watch closely so we could snatch up the lambs right after they were born.  The first one came on the 10th but we didn't know about it till she was half a day old since the Ewes were way out in the pasture.  We spent almost an hour trying to catch that baby...and Madison had to do the lamb dive.  One day I will have video of this, but I never seem to have a device to record when it happens.  She stalks it slowly and then pounces and dives to catch it.  Sometimes she misses, but more often she catches them.  If it wasn't for her we wouldn't have caught the lamb.  We gave that lamb to our friends at the other end of town, their son really wanted to raise a lamb.
These were born on the 17th.  They were both females.  The kids names them Lilly and buttercup.  Now the bottle feeding begins.  6 times a day for 3 days, then 4 times for 10 days.  It is a lot of work luckily Madison loves to bottle feed lambs.
They ate really well and I was surprised.  It can be really difficult to get the lambs to take a bottle, but once they do it is easy.
Madison had a lot of fun taking lots of pictures. 
The lambs will live in a rubbermaid tub in the house for a few days until it is warm enough outside and they are down to 3 feedings a day.  It does make for a stinky house though so I get them out as soon as I can.
She is such a good momma.feeding her babies.
I moved these out to the porch early because, well....they are smelly.  We had the stock tank on the porch for the chicks so it made a great pen for the lambs.  They were unhappy being away from us and tried to escape so we had to put the chairs over the top to keep them in.