I don't normally focus this blog on my family or our life, it is usually just about the farm. Today is a special day to me...it is Mother's Day.
Here I am with my wonderful children...isn't this the greatest picture? It would have been just a bit better if Tanner had been smiling, but it was a long day and we had already taken a lot of pictures trying to get it right.
I have some of the sweetest kids. Morgan is the most awesome 16 year old. She is my ever present helper. I know that when I really need something done I can always count on her. She looks out for her brother and sister even though they frustrate and annoy her at times. She is sweet and loving and creative. She loves to spend her time reading or listening to music in her bedroom or watching one of her favorite shows with us on netflix. She is also the best shopping buddy around...I call her my personal shopper, I can always find something awesome when we are shopping together, but on my own...not so much.
Madison is my outside girl. She loves to work with the animals and she helps with the fences and just about everything. She is the one that nurses the lambs and she does a great job being the 'animal mama'. She is super caring and giving and has such a beautiful heart. She is great at playing with her brother and keeping him occupied when necessary or getting them both into trouble when she thinks she can get away with it

Here is Tanner, my little man. This present was more accurate than his Sunday School teacher knew. When he was just walking he would help clean up, put trash in the can, put dishes in the kitchen and try to sweep. It was so cute. He may not do all those thing now, but he tries really hard to me my little helper. he has so much energy, sometimes I don't know what to do with it. He is like a monkey climbing all over the furniture and balancing on things. However he is also the sweetest little angel. Every night he cuddles with me while we either read or watch a movie. He tells me every day (many, many times) how much he loves me and how beautiful I am. How can a mother not be absolutely in love with this little boy.

This was my best Mother's Day present ever. They made this card...when closed it is a number 1 and says 'You're Awesome because...' on the inside are all these adjectives describing me. If you can read them you know they think I am great...I just hope I can live up to it :) I don't know if I am the luckiest mother in the world...but I sure do feel like it, even on the days when things go bad and it is tough to get through.