This morning the neighbor called and said he wanted to buy Violet and he would be coming for her this morning. Luckily I was still home (because the girls were slow getting up this morning) or I would have been out shopping with the girls for camp. So we switched gears, changed clothes and then prepared to load her up.
They arrived just as we were getting out there. So we got the trailer backed up to the gate and I worked on coaxing Violet into the chute. She is a smart girl and she knew what I was doing so she didn't want to go. I walked in the trailer with the food and she followed...not enough to get all the way in the trailer, but enough to get her in the pen. After that all we had to do was push her a bit and she was in the trailer and we were closing the gate. Chore accomplished...but in the process the 2 little guys got out.
Getting them back in ended up being more of a chore than expected. They really only followed Violet so now the fun begins. I decided to put them back with the goats and sheep, so we walked them back to the house and around to the gate. It wasn't too hard, but they didn't want to follow the bucket and they always tried to go off to the side. Finally we got them in there and closed off the extra sheep pasture. They seem very happy now to be in the shade and have the stream. The next difficult part is to get the one that didn't get out back over there...he is much more stubborn.
We went out and tried to get him in the pen so we could rope him and lead him back. Wow that did NOT work. First he is smarter than the other 2 and knew he didn't want to go in that pen, then when we got him in it was incredibly hard to get the rope on him. I got it on eventually but it didn't go around his neck, it ended up around his chest and I couldn't pull it tighter with all of his moving around so he ended up working it off completely. We decided he had been through enough...and I realized her was stronger than he looked and I probably couldn't have held him anyway, so we let him in that pasture and we will try to move him another day.
So now we are all dirty and sweaty and smelly...because it is 98 degrees here in TN right now. So we all go in to shower and change to go camp shopping. Morgan was happy because she was getting the sneakers she had been waiting for. They were all happy because they love going out to shop...usually means they get at least one meal in a restaurant we haven't tried yet. Today it was Panda Express.
After all the shopping it was time to get to church for the nights activities. Since camp in so close and we still had things to prepare we were working on the buddy burners they will be using to make their breakfast on Thursday at camp. Seems like whenever we have these learning activities the leader does lots of preparing the girls listen for a bit, the leaders then end up doing a lot of the work while the girls talk and good off. Then the leaders clean up. I think I need to do something about that. All in all, it was a good night and we all went home tired.
I am just happy I don't need to worry about chasing the calves anymore :)
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