Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More July

 I gave up and went back to a smart phone in July and needed a new wall picture so I had these two pose for me
 They looked really cute...
 ...till they decided to make crazy faces.
 We spent a number of days visiting with our friends that moved to Knoxville.
 They live in an apartment complex that has a pool and we enjoyed spending the morning out in the sun at the pool.
 The kids decided to play chicken and the new phone has an a awesome camera that can rapid click. When I click through these on my computer it is like watching an old movie...really cool

 Not really sure who won...but everyone had a great time.
 I got these two pictures on my way home one night. That tree line is along my creek.
 It was so beautiful I just had to get a picture...I am just surprised that the picture came out so well.
Yes, that is mold. It was sort of a science experiment. We made some french toast one morning and Tanner didn't get up right away so I put it on a plate with a deep plate on top. Being July it was warm in the house. I forgot about it and got busy with other things that day. Later in the evening when I saw it again I decided to let it go and see how long it takes to mold and what it would look like and use it for biology. That is two days on the counter...the kids were disgusted and very sorry that I wasted the french toast.

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